I'd like you to review my music software/app


Thanks for your interest in letting me know about your software/app.

I don't write traditional reviews on my blog and most of the products I mention in blog posts or use in workshops are ones that I have personally come across myself that I believe are truly educational, preferably creative and offer value to my audience.

If I think your product offers value, I will likely share it on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter in the first instance.

Please note that my audience is made up of music educators (classroom teachers, studio teachers, ensemble conductors, choir leaders and pre-service teachers) and NOT parents or children.

If your software/app is a paid product (or has a paid component - such as an upgrade for premium features), please provide a promo code so that I can properly assess the product.

If you also have some promo codes that can be given away to my blog readers, Facebook fans or Midnight Music Community members, even better!  It gives me a great reason to share the app/software information on social media and usually the social media post has a higher engagement level.

How to contact me with your software/app info

If you'd like to let me know about your software/app, please send the following information via the contact form link at the bottom of this post.

Required information:

  1. Name of software/app
  2. Website URL
  3. Your target market
  4. Download/install link/s to product in the iTunes, Google Play or Chrome Web Store (if applicable)
  5. Notable features, favourable press, awards received and any other useful information
  6. Promo code for Katie (if applicable)
  7. Extra promo codes to giveaway (optional, but always helpful). Please don't set a short expiry date on the promo codes because I can't guarantee how quickly I will be able to give them away

Click here for the contact form

- Katie Wardrobe

I may consider a guest post from you about your product, but the focus of the post MUST be educational (i.e. showing teachers specific ways they can use it in lessons, rehearsals or for productivity purposes) and may not be a direct sales pitch. Special offers for my audience members (coupon codes, discounts) are welcome and will be considered. All guest posts will be approved by me. If you are interested in proposing a guest post, please send me an outline using the contact form above.

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