I would like your advice about our music tech curriculum

As you can imagine I get a lot of requests for help and advice! Unfortunately due to time restraints she is unable to offer advice of this nature via email or phone.

As a result, I has four options available. The first one is free:

Option 1: Visit my blog

I have written numerous articles and lesson plans on using music technology in education available on my site. You can find them all by visiting the blog section. You can also use the Search feature (magnifying glass) at the top right-hand side of the site to search for articles on a particular topic.

Option 2: Join the Midnight Music Community

This is my professional development community for music educators who want to learn more about using technology in their teaching and I am in there everyday, personally answering questions and offering advice. The community is accessed via a monthly or annual subscription and upon joining you will have access to 12 full online courses, lesson plans, support and help. There’s more information about the Midnight Music Community here

Option 3: Consulting

I do a limited amount of consulting sessions for schools wanting advice and direction on which software/hardware/devices to purchase, what to do with the ones they have, and/or overall music technology curriculum ideas for different year levels.

The minimum booking is a one-hour consultation via Zoom. Please use this contact form if you are interested.

Option 4: Workshops, conference presentations and keynote speeches

I regularly run workshops at schools and present at conferences. You can read more about booking a workshop or attending an upcoming event on this page

Thanks again for your interest!

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